In Network
Insurance Companies
Getting Started with ABA Services
Contact Us!
Fill out the contact form & a team member will reach out to you to provide additional information before moving forward with the intake process
Determine Eligibility
The funder (insurance company) will be contacted to determine eligibility of services for the learner
Submit Intake Form
Intake documents will be sent for completion
Receive Authorization for Services
The funder (insurance company) will be contacted to provide an initial authorization for services so that an assessment can be conducted
Initial Assessment
A behavior analyst (BCBA/BCaBA) will complete an initial assessment for the learner. Results of this assessment must be sent to the funder (insurance company) to determine if continued services are appropriate and medically necessary.
Determination for Hours of Therapy
Funders (insurance companies) require a prescription for ABA services in order for therapy sessions to be covered. This prescription will come from a healthcare provider, often a pediatrician or neurodevelopmental specialist. The prescription may include a recommendation, such as "40 hours weekly." However, it is important to note that the number of hours on the prescription is NOT guaranteed to be requested to or approved by your insurance company. The number of service hours requested will be based on medical necessity (determined through behavior analytic assessments, family interviews, observations, etc.) and the number of service hours approved will be determined by your insurance provider.